WHEN: Tuesday, January 18
WHERE: VIRTUAL (Google Meet)
TIME: 4pm
MEETING LINK: meet.google.com/ptn-dxoj-oem
It is time for our January Local School Decision Making Committee (LSDMC), and we invite YOU to attend!!!
Please feel free to come and learn about the exciting things happening in our school community or to share your thoughts and ideas!
If you would like to share your thoughts or ideas at the meeting, please follow the protocol below:
· Email your request to speak to the LSDMC email (pwm.lsdmc@gmail.com ) no later than Monday, January 17th at 5pm
· Please use the subject line: PARENT SPEAKER
You will receive a return email acknowledging your request to speak with further information.
Please Note: While we invite EVERYONE to submit their request to speak at the meeting, we can only allow for three (3) parent speakers per meeting. Additional questions can/will be answered via email.
Look forward to seeing you January 18!!
Thembi Carr, Ph.D.