Distance Learning Update + More
(this also went out as an email on 12/4/2020)
Dear Parker Woods Montessori Families,
The Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) Board of Education determined last night to extend distance learning beyond January 4, with a potential return to blended learning at the end of January. The board will review community and staff health data on January 16, 2021.
It is important to note that, as a result of our schools’ rigorous adherence to CDC guidelines and strong partnerships with organizations such as the Cincinnati Health Department and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, school is among the safest places for our students to be from a health standpoint.
However, community health data has resulted in staffing challenges across CPS. Like other essential organizations, including hospitals, the increasing level of community spread has a direct impact on staff absenteeism. Teachers and staff must stay home when sick, when in quarantine as a result of a close contact, or as needed to take care of family members.
Our hope is that our Cincinnati and Hamilton County community once again pulls together to lower the community spread. We know that this can be accomplished by wearing masks, practicing good hand hygiene, and through social distancing, even when in small group settings of extended family and friends.
Additional Services
Food Hubs: 5-day meal packs will be distributed on Wednesdays at Parker Woods Montessori from 7:00 a.m. - Noon
Health centers will remain open, and we encourage families to check the website for current schedules.
Mental health services, OT, and PT will continue via telehealth.
School nurses' offices will continue as testing sites.
Please Note: Per State of Ohio requirements, if your child tests positive for COVID-19, please continue to report that to our nurse.
School Offices will be open two days per week on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Central Office will remain open to the public with current hours, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
School Contact Information and Other Important Numbers
We want to be sure you have our contact information, and below are important numbers for reference during this time:
School office: (513) 363-6200
School health department/nurse’s office: (513) 363-6221)
Family Technology Support Center: (513) 363-0688
Please take time to read the following attachments:
You are enough - health tip of the week
From the Principals Desk -December 3rd.docx
parker woods_parent letter (3).docx
Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff!
Stay safe and well!
Whitney Simmons, Principal