field trips


books for the library


classroom supplies


community events


garden + orchard


making this school a special + fun place to learn


field trips ❤️ books for the library ❤️ classroom supplies ❤️ community events ❤️ garden + orchard ❤️ making this school a special + fun place to learn ❤️

Save the date:

The walk-a-thon will be happening Monday, October 31, rain or shine.*

*if it’s pouring buckets, we’ll move inside.

Our goal: $35,000

We SMASHED our goal of $20,000 last year, raising over $45,000 for the school. Let’s do it again!

Walk-a-Thon donations go directly to our students and their classrooms. Funds raised are used for classroom materials, recess equipment, field trips, buses, speakers, and assemblies. The PWM PTO also uses Walk-a-Thon funds to support after-school programs. Keep an eye on the Walk-a-Thon displays in your classrooms, as each class works to raise money and earn fun rewards along the way to reaching our schoolwide goal of $35,000

Click pic for full info on this year’s rewards.

Click pic for full info on this year’s rewards.

Walk-a-thon Teams

At the virtual all-school walk-a-thon pep rally, students find out their team colors: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE or PURPLE! Each team has classes of all ages joining together to raise money. All students will receive their school shirt the morning of the walk-a-thon, so we can all show off our PWM school pride as we walk through the neighborhood!

Ways to Raise:

  • Grab your envelope, put on a smile, and start collecting.

  • Ask family, friends + neighbors.

  • Share the link on your social media pages.

  • Reach out to businesses you’re associated with.

  • Text “PWM4EVER” to (202) 858-1233.

or, click here to access the online donation portal:


We need lots of help to pull this off! Click here to sign up.


Friends and Family of PWM,

It’s that time of year again! We were absolutely overwhelmed by the support and spirit shown last year - we SMASHED our goal of $20,000, raising over $45,000! Can you believe it?!

Let’s do it again.

So what is the walk-a-thon? It is our school’s BIGGEST fundraiser through our PTO. And the funds raised service our students in a variety of different ways. The main use of this fund is to distribute to our school teachers to be able to provide those additional classroom materials that are needed for a successful school year! Funds also support school-wide reading efforts, buy playground materials, help stock our school library with the latest and greatest books, bring more art supplies into the art room, bring gardening experts into our school garden to teach our students, and so much more! But most important to many of our students: the walk-a-thon supports the PWM PTO’s pledge to make sure that NO student misses any field trip due to financial need! Free busses aren’t always available for our teachers due to financial squeeze of the pandemic on the local charities that usually provide this service. The cost of a school bus for a field trip: $250! 

We have a goal this year of raising $35,000 to support the amazing work listed above and many other projects. And we need your help! Please share our fundraising ask to friends and family, with neighbors and co-workers, with your business and places within your neighborhood that might be able to offer us support. 

The fundraising push starts NOW! Students have been assigned to a team color: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE and PURPLE. Each team has a classroom within each grade band at our school. We track fundraising individually, as a classroom and as a color team. There are major bragging rights in store for the winners, as well as lots of fun prizes that help make this school year memorable for our students. In the past, administrators have been slimed, had their heads shaved and even eaten worms (eek!) all in the name of fun and fundraising! Classes who raise $1000 will participate in a winter walk-a-thon festival at school. Last year just about every class made this goal, and we’re confident we can do it again!

But most importantly this year, we are looking to encourage and reward funds raised as a classroom unit. This is (hopefully) our first normal school year since 2020. Our classes have missed out on their social time together and this year we want to provide plenty of fun and school spirit swag.

We need your help to not only make the walk-a-thon a memorable and fun experience for our students (it has been the highlight of many years for our students), but also to make it financially successful to support the endeavors of our PWM PTO through the 2022-23 school year! Can you help? Head to TODAY and make a donation in your student’s name to help them get started. There is no amount too small or too large… it will ALL make a big difference in the lives of our PWM student body!