Update on distance learning
(this letter also went out via email)
November 5, 2020
Dear Parker Woods Montessori Families,
Given the ongoing interest in distance learning that keeps students at Parker Woods Montessori, we are going to move forward with this option for families who submitted a commitment form.
As a family who signed up for this option, we want to provide some details for what this will look like for your child going forward. Please note that we did not receive the level of participation we anticipated, and as a result, we consider the next several weeks a test phase to determine if we can make the program work within our current IT infrastructure. We may need to make updates to this option in the future and will continue to communicate with you about any changes.
In the meantime, we are excited to explore distance learning for those students who are unable to participate in-person but want to remain in our school community.
● Week of November 9th: No school for students on Wednesday, Nov. 11th; instruction for the remainder of the week will look the same as it has for the last few weeks for students who have signed up for this option.
● Week of November 16th ~ The test program begins. Students will remain in their A/B groups:
o Mondays -- all students in distance learning
o Tuesdays/Wednesdays -- A Group in-person and A Group distance learners receive instruction; B Group self-directed instruction at home
o Thursdays/Fridays -- B Group in person and B Group distance learners receive instruction; A Group self-directed instruction at home.
Please note this program is not available for preschool students. They will continue with their current blended learning schedule of Mondays in distance learning and Tuesdays through Fridays in-person.
Details about individual student schedules will be communicated next week.
Thank you,
Whitney Simmons-Newton