Confirmed COVID Case

(this was also sent out as an email)

November 6, 2020

Dear Parker Woods Montessori Staff and Families:

You are receiving this letter pursuant to Cincinnati Public Schools’ notification process for confirmed cases of COVID-19. This is to advise that an employee/student/visitor at our school has a confirmed case of COVID-19

Under these circumstances, the District’s first step is to determine whether any other students, employees, or visitors to the school have come into close contact with the person who has the confirmed case. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) defines “close contact” as being within six feet of the person for a prolonged period (15 minutes or more).

The District will specifically notify any person that it determines to be a close contact of the person with the confirmed case.  If you have not received communication specifically advising that you (staff member)/your child is a close contact, then the District does not believe that you/your child has been in close contact with the person who was the confirmed case – you/your child is not considered a close contact.  Under the District’s procedure, your child may continue attending school and would not be required to take any further action – such as self-quarantining or getting a COVID test.  

This letter is going out to our school families and staff out of the interest of providing full information and in alignment with our protocols. Our communication process is intended to be as open and transparent as possible and to share all the information that we have related to confirmed cases of COVID-19.

The individual who has the confirmed case will remain home and will not be returning to school until the individual fits our return to work/school protocol.  Any areas of the building where this individual has been will be cleaned extensively – again consistent with our District guidelines.  

We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to Cincinnati Public Schools.


Whitney Simmons-Newton


From the Principal’s Desk


Update on distance learning