CPS Returns to Distance Learning
(this was also sent out as an email)
Dear Cincinnati Public Schools Parents and Guardians,
The Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) Board of Education determined this evening at a special public meeting to return to a 5-day per week distance-learning model, districtwide, effective Monday, November 23. Students will remain in distance-learning through winter break, returning to a blended model on Monday, January 4, pending an improvement in community health data that has resulted in staffing challenges across CPS.
It is important to note that, as a result of our schools’ rigorous adherence to CDC guidelines and strong partnerships with organizations such as the Cincinnati Health Department and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, school is among the safest places for our students to be from a health standpoint.
Like other essential organizations, including hospitals, the higher level of community spread has a direct impact on staff absenteeism. Teachers and staff must stay home when sick, when in quarantine as a result of a close contact, or as needed to take care of family members.
Our hope is that our Cincinnati and Hamilton County community once again pulls together to lower the community spread. We know that this can be accomplished by wearing masks, practicing good hand hygiene, and through social distancing, even when in small group settings of extended family and friends.
What does this mean? School will look like it did at the beginning of the 2020-21 year with students learning from home. Students who signed up to participate in the distance learning from their current school option will remain in distance learning next week, accessing assignments through Schoology. They will return to the 5-day per week distance learning schedule with their classmates on Monday, November 23.
Details about 5-day meal pick up will be provided in the coming days. Please remind your child to bring home their belongings from school next week, the week of November 16.
Can students switch from CDA back to their home schools or do they need to wait until the end of the quarter? Yes, students may switch back to their home schools. Please call your school office or our Customer Care Center at 513-363-0123.
Thank you for your continued flexibility and support as we navigate the rapidly evolving situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Laura Mitchell