Updates on Distance Learning
(this was also sent as an email on 11/16/2020)
Dear Parker Woods Montessori Families,
Last Tuesday evening, Cincinnati Public Schools (CPS) decided to return to a 5-day per week distance-learning model for all students. This is effective beginning Monday, November 23 through Winter Break, until January 4, 2021.
This decision was made primarily as a result of staffing challenges due to a significant increase in the community spread of COVID-19 in Greater Cincinnati.
Important Updates as We Transition to Distance Learning
Students will receive the following in-person, through Schoology, and by email:
• The Family Guide to Distance Learning
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PKeJoWx4iOXLnD-97vX-Obdh9NkLOmlz/view?usp=sharing (English)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/166cqRq2EfDqtIdMG7yavsX52qX5acoB5/view?usp=sharing (Arabic)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXNaCoQ-XMsdJgS8852NcV0RAqf22YCi/view?usp=sharing (French)
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ikQpU3zFLu39ja4W1wq6Zf_YOLkTIM58/view?usp=sharing (Spanish)
• Schedules with teacher office hours
Bringing Home Personal Items
Please remind your child to bring home all technology, jackets, snacks, water bottles, instruments, art projects, and anything else your child has at school while we are in person the week of November 16.
Distance Learning from Parker Woods Montessori
Because we are shifting to 5-day per week distance learning effective November 23, we will not begin implementing the “distance learning Parker Woods Montessori” option at this time. Students who signed up for this option will continue to receive assignments via Schoology through November 20 and will transition to 5-day per week distance learning on November 23 with their classmates.
Additional Services
• Food Hubs: 5-day meal packs will be distributed on Wednesdays. Times will be communicated at a later date.
• Health centers will remain open, and we encourage families to check the website for current schedules.
• Mental health services, OT, and PT will continue via telehealth.
• Nurses will continue as testing sites for students by appointment with the health office at each school. Per State of Ohio requirements, if your child tests positive for COVID-19, please continue to report that to our nurse.
• School Offices will be open two days per week on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
• Central Office will remain open to the public with current hours, 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.
School Contact Information
We want to be sure you have our contact information. Please find below important numbers for reference during this time:
School office – (513) 363-6200
School health department/nurse’s office – (513)363-6221
Central Office – (515) 363-0000
Customer Care Center - (513) 363-0123)
Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff!
Whitney Simmons, Newton, Principal