From the Principal’s Desk
This also went out as an email to all families on 1/6/22:
Dear Parker Woods Montessori Families,
This edition of From the Principal’s Desk includes information about our plans for how we will shift to distance learning if needed and reminders about how to keep everyone safe and well.
The Possibility of Shifting to Distance Learning:
Earlier this week, I sent home a packet of information that included a letter from Superintendent Amat, contact information for PWM teachers, and a list of District contacts. Please use the links below to read the documents.
CPS Continues In-Person Learning - Letter to Families from Superintendent Amat
Distance Learning - Who Families Can Contact Flyer
We hope to safely keep in-person learning here at Parker Woods without having to switch to distance learning. In case we need to transition to distance learning, our staff and I have planned on how we can make the move with as much ease as possible. Outlined below are our plans:
I have prepared a script to send via robocall, robo-email, and text message to families if/when needed.
Students have been asked to bring home their devices (laptop/iPad) each day.
Teachers will give login information for Schoology and Clever to all students and families.
Teachers have/are creating distance learning schedules and links for class lessons/meetings.
Teachers will send families their schedules, links for class lessons, and meetings in the next few days.
Please assist us with the following:
Remind your child to bring their device home each day.
Check your email frequently for updates from teachers and me.
Keep your child at home when they are ill.
Make sure that your child wears a mask daily and remind them to keep both their mouth and nose covered.
Review the following safety tips with your family:
Wash hands frequently
Maintain 3-feet minimum social distancing
Don’t share food or drinks
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing when not wearing a mask
Wash face mask daily
Community-Based Health Clinics - All clinics are currently open; check the CPS website for the most up-to-date information.
Community Vaccine Clinics Sponsored by CPS - One of the best ways to stay healthy and reduce the impact of COVID-19 is to get fully vaccinated. This includes getting a booster for those who are eligible. We encourage all individuals ages 5 and up to get vaccinated. Please see some CPS-sponsored opportunities below:
Friday, January 7 from 3:30-7:30 p.m. at Mt. Airy School
Thursday, January 13 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. at Rockdale Academy
Updated Quarantine Guidelines for Staff and Students:
The CDC has reduced quarantine times for some individuals with COVID-19.
5 day quarantine period from onset of symptoms
Students and employees may return to school/the workplace on day 6 if they have no symptoms
Masks are highly recommended by the CDC on days 6-10 and already required as part of CPS protocol
Thanks for your assistance and support!
Stay safe and well,
Whitney Simmons-Newton, Principal