Transition to Remote Learning
This also went out as an email to all families on 1/11/22:
January 11, 2022
Dear Parker Woods Montessori Families,
We will temporarily shift to the districtwide remote learning model effective tomorrow, January 12 due to ongoing staffing shortages that are a result of an increase of COVID-19 in the community. In-person learning is scheduled to resume on Monday, January 24, 2022 if staffing levels are sufficient to safely reopen schools.
In preparation for remote learning, PWM teachers sent home class schedules, class meeting codes, and links as well as information on how to log into Schoology. If you have any questions about how your child is supposed to log into class meetings and lessons, please contact your child’s teacher.
Please assist with your child having a successful remote learning experience by doing the following:
Create a quiet workspace for them to work.
Set a normal routine/schedule for when they wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, have lunch, and complete assignments and go to bed.
Read all information sent by your child’s teacher.
Information about meals for remote learning is below:
On January 12th and January 18th, students and families will be able to pick up meal packs between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at school
All schools will serve as a meal hub except for the Zoo Academy, the Lighthouse, and the Promise Center. Students/families of those schools may go to any other CPS location to receive their meal packs.
Families will receive three-day meal packs on January 12 and four-day meal packs on January 18. Menus could vary by school.
All nutrition info can be found on SchoolCafe. On your computer, visit On your mobile device, visit SchoolCafe on the App Store or SchoolCafe — Apps on Google Play.
All products are thoroughly cooked and can be consumed cold or heated using the instructions in the links on the next page.
Our office will remain open during remote learning. We will keep our normal office hours
(8:00-4:00 p.m.). Please feel free to call us if you have questions. You may also email me as needed at will communicate with you again soon.
Stay safe and well!
Whitney Simmons-Newton, Principal