Arrival + Dismissal Procedures
This also went out as an email to all families on 8-17-22:
Arrival Process: We will use the same drop-off and pick-up areas as last school year. Arrival begins at 9:15 a.m. Arrival locations and entrance doors are below.
Preschool and Kindergarten Car Riders and their Siblings
Small Circle
Preschool - Door by Small Playground
Kindergarten - Gym Doors
Preschool/Kindergarten Drop-off Siblings:
Grades 1-3 - Front Doors
Grades 4-6 - Garden Doors
Grades 1-6 Car Riders
Beech Hill Avenue
Grades 1-3 - Front Doors
Grades 4-6 - Garden Doors
Bus Riders
Large Circle
Grades 1-3 - Front Doors
Grades 4-6 - Garden Doors
Preschool - Door by Small Playground
Kindergarten - Gym Doors
Grades 1-3 - Front Doors
Grades 4-6 - Garden Doors
Dismissal Process: Our official dismissal time is 3:45 p.m. Adults picking up children should remain in their vehicles. PWM staff members will bring children to cars/other vehicles. Dismissal locations/procedures are as follows.
Morning Half-Day Preschool
Front of the School
Extended Day Preschool, Afternoon Half-Day Preschool, Kindergarten, Autism, STRIDES, students and their Ages 6-9 (1st-3rd grade) and Ages 9-12 (4th-6th grade) siblings
Small Circle
Ages 6-9 (1st-3rd grade) and Ages 9-12 (4th-6th grade) without siblings in Ages 3-6 (Preschool/Kindergarten)
Large Circle
Bus Riders
Large Circle
Unaccompanied Walkers
New This School Year
Escorted out of the building by staff through the entrance near the small circle and playground. Once released, left to independently walk through Parker Woods Preserve or around the front of the school to go down the Beech Hill steps. Unaccompanied Walkers are expected to walk to their after-school locations. They may not gather at the corner of Beech Hill and Langland to wait for pick-up. PWM staff is not responsible for monitoring Unaccompanied Walkers once they are released from the school building.
Accompanied Walkers
Parker Woods Preserve entrance near 3-6 playground/ small circle area (Families of accompanied Walker should meet their children at the Parker Woods Preserve entrance).
We ask for everyone to be patient and kind. If we all work together, we can ensure that every student arrives and departs safely. Thanks!!!