Family Update and Reminders
This also went out as an email to all families on 8-22-22:
Dear PWM Families,
We had a fantastic first two days of school! Our students came eager and ready for a new year of learning and growing.
Open House: Our open house is Monday, August 29th at 6:00. Please save the date.
First-Day Forms: Please return first-day forms as soon as possible, especially emergency forms.
Last week’s dismissal presented some challenges. The PWM staff and the CPS transportation department are working hard to improve. The safety of your children is our top priority. We will get better.
Because COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, we no longer stagger dismissal times. Dismissal begins at 3:45. It does not mean that all students are out of the building at that time. Students dismiss as follows.
Bus riders
Preschool and kindergarten car riders and their siblings, as well as all walkers and students from Autism and STRIDES classrooms
First-grade thru sixth-grade car riders
The families of first-grade thru sixth-grade car riders should line up on Beech Hill Avenue and wait for the yellow buses to leave. Once yellow buses leave, cars move to the large circle. Please remain in your cars so that both care lines can run quickly and efficiently.
Beech Hill is no longer a meeting place for walkers. Families who meet their children to walk home should come to the entrance of the Parker Woods Preserve. Once you have united with your child/children, please move down the park’s trail to socialize and allow your children to play. It will help our staff to keep students waiting for their families safe.
Only students walking home on their own get released to go down the Beech Hill steps. There is no supervision for unescorted walkers.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support during dismissal!
I look forward to seeing you at our open house.
Stay safe and well.
Whitney Simmons-Newton, Principal