Family Update and Reminders
This was also sent to all PWM families as an email on 8/22/22.
Arrival + Dismissal Procedures
This was also sent to all PWM families as an email on 8/17/22.
March Madness Starting Soon
Call for volunteers: click here to help collect reading logs on a Friday in March.
Resources for Remote Learning + Enrichment
Not exhaustive, but a place to start. Resources for all subjects.
Transition to Remote Learning
This was also sent to all PWM families as an email on 1/11/22.
From the Principal’s Desk
This was also sent to all PWM families as an email, and hard copies are being sent home with children on 1/7.
Walk-a-thon results, cultural audit, and more
Attend the November PTO meeting to learn more!
It’s the Annual Walk-a-thon!
FUN-raising starts now, and mark your calendar for October 29!